Welcome to Christ Church!

You can sign up to our newsletter here.

If you’ve joined us over the last eighteen months and/or haven’t ever shared your details with us (including completing our GDPR form telling us how you are happy for us to use your data) we’d like to invite you to complete our digital welcome form below.


GDPR Consent Form

Your privacy is important to us and we would like to communicate with you about the church and its activities. To do so we need your consent. Please fill in your name and address and other contact information below and confirm whether you consent by ticking the boxes below.

We draw your attention in particular to the section labelled “Fundraising for the Church”. The vast majority of Church’s funds for its activities, donations to the Diocese, and donations to other charities come from donations from you and other members of the congregation. Fundraising is vital to the Church’s mission for our community and the wider world (for example, historically in raising money for the Spire Repair and for the new Parish Centre, as well as for the Church’s ongoing worship and mission work).

You can find out more about how we use your personal data by reading our privacy notice which you can find here:

If you are aged 13 or under your parent or guardian should fill in their details below to confirm their consent on your behalf.