Children’s Movie Night
All Ages Welcome! £3 Entry. Please Email to Sign up. Email: Tamike@christchurchhighbury.com

Jazz Vespers
Jazz Vespers is a service combining a simple service of Evening Prayer with great jazz and gospel music.
Come and try it for yourself!

Children’s Movie Night
All Ages Welcome! £3 Entry. Please Email to Sign up. Email: Tamike@christchurchhighbury.com

Community Christmas Carol Singing with Brass Band
Get into the Christmas spirit with a rousing and beautiful Community Carol Sing, with a fantastic brass band accompaniment, in the courtyard outside Christ Church.
Community Christmas Fair
Please join us for our Christmas Fair on Saturday, 7th December, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM! Enjoy a day of fun with BBQ, salsa dancing, arts and crafts, and exciting activities for kids. We hope to see you there.

Jazz Vespers
Enter the season of Advent with some beautiful jazz and gospel songs and carols.

Open House at Christ Church Community Centre
On Saturday 21st September Christ Church Community Centre will be open to the public during the Open House Festival, from 11.00am to 4.00pm for visits and tours.
Matthew Lloyd Architects, together with Andy, will be giving a talk and slideshow at 2pm about the design, and showing two other similar church projects by the practice.
Please come along to hear more about your community centre and chat to visitors!
For more details, please visit https://open-city.org.uk/open-house-festival-2024

Sing for Freedom
Sing for Freedom is welcoming new members: Thur 19th September, 12-1.45pm
Together Productions is delighted that our two choirs have found a new home at Christ Church, Highbury. Both are warm, inclusive and joyful communities of music and friendship, and are open to new members in September. We would love to welcome you to a free taster to sing with us, meet the singers and team, and see if you'd like to join us for our exciting autumn term. The Sing for Freedom Choir is a community of torture survivors and friends who sing together in a spirit of joy and hope, in solidarity with all those who are oppressed. The choir sings for freedom and to give back a voice to those who have been silenced.

Mixed Up Chorus and Sing for Freedom welcoming new members
The Mixed Up Chorus is welcoming new members: Tue 17th September, 7-9pm
Together Productions is delighted that our two choirs have found a new home at Christ Church, Highbury. Both are warm, inclusive and joyful communities of music and friendship, and are open to new members in September. We would love to welcome you to a free taster to sing with us, meet the singers and team, and see if you'd like to join us for our exciting autumn term. At the Mixed Up Chorus, we are passionate about the power of music to bring people together in the spirit of empathy and understanding. Performing global and original new repertoire, we believe that singing next to each other helps us to live well next to each other.

The Christ Church Weekend Away
The Weekend away is coming soon from 12-14 July at High Leigh Places are limited so please express your interest in coming as soon as possible.

Jazz Vespers
After another fabulous Jazz Vespers service on Palm Sunday, please do save the date of our next service

Church Summer Fair
This year's Summer Fair (used to be called Upmarket) is coming up - see poster for details. Please save the date and just come along with all your friends and enjoy the day, and/or let us know if you're able to help in any of the following ways: moving chairs before and/or after the event, making a cake, running a stall, serving refreshments, helping with kids' activities... Please email teresarobertson2@gmail.com to be put on list.

Singing in Solidarity
Singing in Solidarity, in celebration of Refugee Week
Tuesday 18th June at Christ Church Highbury
Islington-based choirs Sing for Freedom and Mixed Up Chorus are uplifting participatory evening of singing, conversation, food and drink to celebrate Refugee Week.
Book online: www.togetherporductions.co.uk/events

Prakash is a member of the Diocese of London Stepney Area team for Racial Justice. They have organised a fantastic event with great food, music, poetry and discussion. Rev Andy and Rev. Prakash will be going along. Please let us know if you would like to join us: vicar@christchurchhighbury.com, revd.prakash@gmail.com

Annual Parochial Church Meeting
Our annual opportunity to give thanks for God's goodness to us over the last year, receive the official reports of church activities and the church accounts and to elect new members of the PCC.

International Lunch for Pentecost Sunday
The birthday of the church, when we remember people of many nations hearing the good news about Jesus Christ for their first time in their own language.
Come and celebrate at our 'International Bring and Share lunch'
All welcome