Giving to Christ Church

We appreciate your generosity

Regular Giving - your regular monthly donations help us to plan our expenditure for the year.

  • Set up a Direct Debit through the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) - we prefer this options to a standing order. PGS is a charity supported by the Diocese which transfers your donations to our account each month and, importantly, collect gift Aid monthly on our behalf, reducing our administration.

  • Set up a Standing Order through your bank - email for band details.

  • You can also give through CAF account; or your employer can advise on Payroll Giving.

    One - off donations are also welcome

  • Through the Parish Giving Scheme or

  • Through Gift Aid envelopes in the pew seat backs.

    Stewardship Programme Spring 2025

    During Lent we are inviting all our congregation to consider generous giving. Your generosity enables our ministry and mission across Highbury and beyond.

    To help Christ Church this year, we are asking you to set uo a new regular monthly donations or to consider increasing your current regular donations.

    Your generosity will help us pay for

  • The 10% increase this year in our contribution to the Common Fund which pays the salaries of our Christ Church clergy, supports less wealthy parishes in the Diocese, and runs training courses

  • Accommodation for our new Curate who will join us at the end of June

  • Our support for our Mission Partners at home and overseas

    Gift Aid

Christ Church Highbury is a registered charity (no. 1135420). If you are a UK taxpayer and eligible to Gift Aid your donations, please contact our Acting Giving Secretary at to request a form to permit the church to claim the Gift Aid. This will increase your donation by 25p for every £1 given at no extra cost to you or us.


At Christ Church we are reliant on the generosity of our congregation and friends to help us increase our regular income and fulfil our mission.

Stewardship is a fundamental Christian concept – an integral part of our relationship with God and the world. The Bible asks Christians to give responsibly, proportionally, and, above all, with joy in their hearts.