Home Groups
Most groups comprise 6 to 10 people who meet in homes of the members. The groups meet either weekly or fortnightly at various times during the week, some during the day and one group has a creche.
There are a variety of different courses that the groups follow, mainly down to the preference of the group. During Lent we have a special 5 week programme that all the groups follow. We try to encourage as many of the congregation as possible to attend one of the groups at this time.
Home groups are a great way to get to know people and an opportunity to explore the Christian faith, become more familiar with the Bible and pray with others on a regular basis. The meetings are normally very sociable too, with the discussion accompanied by some snacks and a glass of wine of cup of tea! Newcomers are very welcome.
These groups take place during the day or in the evening and occur either at someone’s home or online (can be a combination of both). Do get in touch if you’d like to explore joining a group and we’ll gladly give you more details so you can try one out. For more information pleas contact office@christchurchhighbury.com.