FINANCIAL PLEDGE autumn 2022Your completed form is confidential and will be seen only by Evelyn, our Giving Secretary. Name First Name Last Name Email 1. I pledge to set up new regular giving to Christ Church Highbury, donating £50 per month £70 per month £100 per month Other per month Other amount 2. I will donate by Direct Debit through Parish Giving Scheme (go to section 4 below) Standing Order to Parochial Church Council of Christ Church Highbury (go to section 5 below) CAF account Give As You Earn 3. I already give regularly and pledge to increase the amount that I give by £5 per month £10 per month £30 per month Other per month Other amount 4. Parish Giving Scheme I will set up a new Direct Debit through the Parish Giving Scheme, at ‘find your parish’: Highbury Christ Church, code 230623124 5. Standing Order I will set up a newStanding Order to Parochial Church Council of Christ Church Highbury at Barclays Bank, Sort Code 20-44-86 Account No. 20261807 I would like to sign a Gift Aid declaration to allow Christ Church to claim an additional 25% Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone Thank you! THANK YOU for your faith, generosity and commitment